Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thank You

This stack of quilts is on it's way to Guatemala this week thanks to the kind and extremely generous efforts of the quilting community.  I have been giddy over the last couple of months as these quilts have come in from all over to be shared with the children in the Safe House of the La Limonada community.  This week, 6 more kids will receive their quilts and I know there will be smiles all over their sweet faces!

A special thank you to the following friends for making this happen:
Lisa - HilltopHouseCreativeWorks
Lorna - SewFreshQuilts
Renee - SoulScrappin'
Nicole - MamaLoveQuilts
Megan - CrookedSeams

Truly, I am so thankful to each one of you for sharing your gifts and talents to provide care and comfort for people you've never even met.  Quilters are the best!